
Achilles tendinitis inflammation, irritation and swelling of the Achilles tendon(the tendon that connects the muscles of the If to the heel).


This tendon can bemrne inflamed, most commonly as a rsult of overuse orarthritis, although inflammation can also be associated with tramna and infection. Tendinitis due to overuse is most common in younger individuals and can occur in walkers, runners, or other athletes, specially in sports like basketball that involves jumping. Tendinitis from arthritis is more common in middle aged and elderly population.


Symptoms usually include pain in the affected heel when walking or running The tendon is usually painful to touch and skin over the tendon may be swollen and warm. Achilles tendinitis may predispose the patient to Adiilles rupture . Patients who experience this usually describe the injury as a sharp pain. like someone hit them in the back of the heel with a stick.
LP achilles care liners, sock and stabilizer helps provide positioning of heel cord and prevents friction between heel cord and topline of shoes.

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